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What makes a good A&R
What Makes a Good A&R The A&R (Artist and Repertoire) role is one of the most complexes in the music industry. The responsibilities of an...
How Much do A&R get paid
How much do A&R get paid If you're considering becoming an A&R manager, but aren't sure where to start, this guide will help! In it...
Is A&R a good career
is A&R a good career A&R (Artists & Repertoire) is an essential role in the music business. They are responsible for finding new talent...
Building a fan mailing list - The why and the how.
The first step to building a fan mailing list is deciding whether or not you even want one. In my experience, most artists and bands...
14 Steps to Building Your Fanbase
Think of building a fanbase as the final stage in a funnel. You have to get people into that funnel, but once they are there you have to...
How to Approach A Record Label Or Manager?
How to Approach A Record Label Or Manager? When it comes to music and the entertainment industry, there's one thing that everyone needs:...
Planning a release is one of the most time-consuming activities in any musician’s career. It require
When planning for a release, there are many tasks to be done. Some of these can be done independently and others require help from...
Essential questions to ask your digital music distributor:
Essential questions to ask your digital music distributor: A digital distribution company is the best option for an artist to get their...
10 Ways To Get More Music Fans - How To Build A Fanbase From Scratch
How To Build A Fanbase From Scratch Building an audience for your music isn't easy, but it can be done. In this post, we'll explore how...
How Are Royalties Split On A Song – Songwriter & Producer Shares
Every year, millions of dollars are generated from the sale of music. Royalties are split between the songwriter, producer and artist(s)....
YouTube Content ID: A quick guide for music artists
YouTube Content ID: A quick guide for music artists Introduction If you're a music artist who wants to use YouTube to share your work,...
12 Strategies To Promote Your Music Online
Strategies To Promote Your Music Online IN 2022 Introduction The music industry has become more and more competitive over the past few...
Digital Marketing For Musicians 101 In this article we’ll go over some of the basics of digital marketing for musicians. What is digital marketing? How do...
6 Types of Online Music Marketing Platforms Musicians Should Know About
6 Types of Music Marketing Platforms There is a lot of marketing terminology thrown around in the music industry. It's pretty confusing...
9 Best Music Marketing Tools for Musicians
The challenge of music promotion in the 21st century is to develop a 360° marketing strategy that reaches all these audiences and...
Afrobeat Vs. Afrobeats—Two African Musical Sounds The World Should Know About
What Is The Difference Between Afrobeats and Afrobeat? Have you ever heard of Afrobeats music? We’re guessing not. Most of us think of...
Studio Etiquette: 5 Things You Don't Want To Do In A Recording Studio
As an A&R, you're often working with new artists who are still learning the ropes of the industry. However, there are some things that...
The 10 People You Need On Your Team As An Artist
Here are the essential members you should have on your team: Whether you're starting a record label, running a band, or just want to...
Do you need a degree to be an A&R?
Artist and Repertoire (A&R) Representative Job Description, Career as a Artist and Repertoire (A&R) Representative, Salary, and...
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